Donny Tong is senior vice president, Institutional Sales (Trusts and Escrows), for Truist, and Matt Joffe is Managing Shareholder for Total Warranty Services.

As profit margins return to historical levels, auto dealers are looking for ways to generate additional earnings. Dealer finance and insurance (F&I) profit participation programs are often overlooked in the quest to boost profits—an expensive oversight. These established strategies can provide dealers with solid cash flows and investment returns.

While many dealerships already have profit-sharing programs in place, these programs often fall short of a dealer’s goals. And dealers can miss their full profit potential if warranty programs aren’t aligned with their business and personal wealth goals—or if they aren’t optimally executed.

F&I profit participation programs can support a dealership in:

  • Generating cash flow
  • Funding acquisitions
  • Managing tax strategies

To varying degrees, the programs can be used to:

The range of F&I profit participation programs

F&I profit programs vary greatly in structure, economics, flexibility, risk, and tax consequences.  To find the best fit for your situation, you’ll want to understand each type and its ability to deliver what your business, transition plan, and personal wealth strategy demand.

F&I participation programs
Program How it works Key features What it achieves U.S. federal income tax consequences
Guaranteed Retro Dealer receives commission for sale of F&I product plus guaranteed underwriting profit. Guaranteed flat dollar amount per contract (varies based on product and sales mix).

Payment is based on contract count net of cancellations (not based on loss ratios).
Not subject to losses

Accelerated cash flow

Upfront underwriting

Don’t have to set up reinsurance company
Taxed as ordinary income for Federal Income Tax purposes @ 37% for individuals. However, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) may allow a deduction up to 20% of the income if paid to an S Corp or LLC taxed as a partnership.
Participating Retro Dealer receives commission for sale of F&I product, plus underwriting and investment income. Dealer does not have to invest in or open a reinsurance company.

Dealer must recognize revenue as received.

Historically, all upside, no downside
Highest cash flow program

No reinsurance required

100% of underwriting profits and any investment income that is available
Taxed as ordinary income for Federal Income Tax purposes @ 37% for individuals. However, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) may allow a deduction up to 20% of the retro income if paid to an S Corp or LLC taxed as a partnership.
Reinsurance through Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) or Domestic Captive Dealer receives commission for sale of F&I product, plus underwriting and investment income in dealer-owned reinsurance company.

Dealer participates in risk of loss through a wholly owned reinsurance company.

Options for domicile of reinsurance company
Dealer controls program.

Dealer hires an investment manager.

Assets set aside for losses (A account).

Earned income separately invested and controlled by dealer (B account).

Funds held at U.S. banking institutions.

Cost for setup, annual tax preparation and license renewal, and reserves/funding
High level of control over the program, allowing tailoring of investment options to meet various dealer objectives

Efficient tax vehicle

Dealer directs investment of earned funds in trust and receives investment income.
Treated as a U.S. Company for ALL federal income tax purposes

For tax years beginning after 12/31/2016, with a total annual net written premium up to $2.8 million, tax on investment income only @ 21% corporate rate under TCJA (irrevocable election is required to be taxed on investment income only)

If total annual premium exceeds $2.8 million, regular corporate income tax applies on ALL underwriting and investment income @ 21% corporate rate, and a second layer of tax at the shareholder level once distributed @ 23.8% (20% capital gains rate plus 3.8% Medicare NIIT).
Domestic captive insurance company Same as reinsurance company, but company is 100% U.S. based. Same as reinsurance company.
Obligor structures* Dealer receives commission for sale of certain F&I product, plus underwriting and investment income in dealer-owned obligor company. Dealer-owned company is obligated party to perform on any losses (not administrators).Dealer pays administration and claim processing fees.

Dealer is responsible for maintaining reserves.

Contractual liability policy may be required.
No reinsurance required.

Dealer keeps all funds received, less administration and claim processing fees.
Obligor will be treated as a C corporation for U.S. Federal Income Tax purposes, subject to double taxation regime of IRC Subchapter C.

Retail price to consumer (as opposed to reserve) counts against $2.8 million USD cap under Section 831(b). If premiums exceed $2.8 million annually, company is fully taxable on underwriting and investment income from first dollar.

Initially generates tax losses, because a 100% deduction is allowed for amounts above reserve (F&I commission, management money, etc.), and reserves earn over the life of the VSC, subject to the 20% UEP “haircut”.

Eventually, all underwriting and investment income is subject to tax at 21% corporate rate (on a deferred basis), and shareholders will be taxed a second time upon distribution from the company (double taxation).

Distributions/liquidations taxed at long-term capital gains rate of 23.8% (20% capital gains rate, plus 3.8% Obamacare tax).

No premium tax is paid if no CLP required.
Hybrid structures Dealer receives commission for sale of F&I products plus underwriting and investment income through a combination of participating structures. Hybrid structures allow programs to be built to achieve specific dealer objectives.

May be set up for partners, key associates, or family members.

Split business among a combination of participating retro/CFC.
Customized Varies

A strong advisory team can craft a plan that best fits your goals. 

Determining the right F&I approach requires having the right advisory team in place. Anchor your search with a strong team of specialized experts who can help you home in on your specific objectives and identify a profit participation program that best meets those goals. Your team should include trusted individuals, who bring insights and informed perspectives from many angles, including:

  • An F&I program provider who can bring numerous options to the table and is prepared to tailor a formula to your needs.
  • A tax advisor with a keen understanding of the tax code—current laws, in addition to clear projections for how future tax updates—including the sunset of provisions of the TJCA that may impact the direction you take.
  • A CPA who fully grasps how your strategy affects your business finances and impacts dealership valuation.
  • An attorney who has the experience to advise you on how to structure your program legally for maximum effect and resilience.
  • A banking advisor who can set up appropriate accounts and structure trusts for your plan. 

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of specialized expertise for getting the best guidance to keep your F&I program fully optimized over time.

Flexibility is key to implementing an effective long-term strategy. 

Change is a constant for your business. From evolving tax laws and fluctuating business cycles to market swings and macroeconomic ebbs and flows, external forces that affect your dealership are constantly shifting the playing field. Your goals and plans change over time as well, so your profit participation program shouldn’t be set in stone.

Make ongoing conversations about your current F&I plan a priority—the effectiveness of your strategy can diminish if it remains static. It’s essential for dealers to work with a program provider that brings multiple options and a proactive mindset—a partner who’s prepared to adapt your approach to address your changing needs.

Your advisory team should meet regularly to assess the status of your plan (quarterly or semi-annually is ideal). That includes discussing any changes to your objectives, and examining any shifts in the broader business landscape or economic environment that might impact your dealership.

Your strategy can provide meaningful earnings to support overall dealership profits or help meet your targets. Depending on your course of action, F&I profit participation can impact the timing of your business cash flow. As part of your planning, F&I and reinsurance can be invaluable tools that expand your options for dealership transition and succession planning.

Special thanks to Matt Joffe, Managing Shareholder for Total Warranty Services (TWS). TWS specializes in creating customized F&I programs including vehicle service contracts, as well as all ancillary protection products. The TWS participation team can provide a customized underwriting participation program to fit each client’s unique goals. TWS has worked with over 1,600 auto dealerships and is one of the nation’s top 10 largest F&I product providers with over $1.5 billion in written premium and over 7 million contracts sold. To find out more about how TWS can help your dealership, contact Matt Joffe at

Talk to Truist Dealer Services about a profit participation program to achieve your goals.

We understand the automotive retail industry and the diverse challenges you face. Contact your Truist Dealer Services relationship manager to help determine the best profit participation program to keep your business advancing and help you fulfill key objectives.

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