Investment committees are board designated subcommittees that are responsible for ensuring that there is a solid infrastructure in place to oversee an organization’s investable assets. One of the most important duties of an investment committee is to draft an investment policy that considers the organization’s mission, time horizon, spending needs, and risk tolerance. In addition to monitoring performance and engaging an investment advisor or consultant, the committee members must also fulfill their fiduciary responsibility by upholding legal standards and duties that comply with current regulations governing tax-exempt entities.
Our Truist Foundations & Endowments Specialty Practice offers an array of resources and solutions for nonprofit organizations. Take a look at our Investment Committee Toolkit, designed to assist investment committees improve their investment outcomes.
I. Finding or replacing an asset management provider
Sample Formal Request for Proposal
This sample Request for Proposal, in formal letter format, gives the recipient a bulleted list of items to include in the proposal. This format may be particularly valued by volunteer board members who are “stretched for time” as respondents are limited to 25 pages or less.
Sample Informal Request for Proposal
This sample Request for Proposal may be helpful if your organization is issuing an RFP for the first time or changing your approach to how assets are managed.
Seeking Investment Advisory Services: 10 Steps for Managing the RFP Process
Selecting an investment advisor is an important fiduciary responsibility for board members. Oftentimes, the number of choices and complexity of a Request for Proposal(RFP) process can become overwhelming. However, with some advance planning and a roadmap for success, your board can approach your search for the right investment advisor with confidence.
Decision Matrix – Discretionary vs. Non-Discretionary
This matrix provides a list of services with side-by-side comparisons of discretionary vs. non-discretionary investment management decision making models.
II. Identifying the best investment strategy for your organization
Sample Investment Policy Statement
This sample agenda gives discussion items often included in investment committee meetings.
III. Governing to improve investment outcomes
Sample Committee Meeting Agenda
This sample agenda gives discussion items often included in investment committee meetings.
Time Management Guide for Investment Committees
This guide helps committee members run an investment committee meeting in an efficient and productive manner.