How the right question can help guide you to success

Financial planning

The child in us knows to ask a lot of questions. The adult in us recognizes the value of asking the right questions. We were curious about the queries our advisors think are important but rarely get asked by their clients. Here are their responses.

“What can I do to prepare my children to be good stewards of wealth?”

I want to help parents create thoughtful trusts that don’t just distribute money for reaching a certain age. Instead, they should really incentivize the children to be productive. It might be that the children receive milestone distributions for getting a college or graduate degree. Or matching a down payment for a home, or matching funds for starting a business. When you use a milestone distribution, you’re using the money to encourage them to do things you’ve decided are important, independent things in life.

Jennifer Williams
Financial Advisor
Tampa, Florida

"What guides your intentions as my financial advisor?"

I love working with people and solving problems that can actually make an impact on one’s life. Growing up, I personally experienced interactions with disparity and prosperity within communities and my family. The ability to help someone in need and not just give a monetary gift—but give the gift of financial knowledge—is rewarding all around. Just as I want to understand you as a person, I think it’s important that you get to know me.

Clarence Taylor
Financial Advisor
Reston, Virginia

“How can I, as a client, best help myself?”

I want a client to be actively engaged in the planning process. We don’t always know what all of your wishes, dreams, and desires are. And without knowing everything, and if you aren’t engaged, it’s hard for us to get your plan exactly right. If you go to the doctor and say “Fix me” without really going into what your symptoms are and what you’re doing when you have those feelings, the doctor isn’t going to be able to diagnose you. It’s not radically different for us. We’re looking at your life, your finances, your goals, and your emotions.

Jason Davis
Legal Wealth Advisor
Houston, Texas